1693 N. Quentin St. Aurora, CO 80045

5 Benefits of Residential Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a disease that affects millions of people all over the world. This debilitating disease can lead to criminal activity, job loss, and even death. While outpatient programs can provide less pressure and flexible schedules, residential addiction treatment programs are often necessary to achieve the profound healing and mindset shifts needed for long-term recovery.

At CeDAR, we provide residential addiction treatment programs that offer comprehensive, evidence-based care for individuals struggling with substance abuse and addiction. Our team of experienced professionals utilizes a comprehensive treatment approach, including individual and group therapy, medication-assisted treatments, holistic healing activities, and more. For more information on how our residential addiction treatment programs can enable the healing you desperately need, reach out to our team of professionals today at [Direct].

What Is Residential Addiction Treatment?

Residential addiction treatment allows individuals to live in a safe, supportive, and highly structured environment while focusing on recovering from substance use disorders. This type of treatment is usually provided at a residential facility, where the individual receives round-the-clock care and support from clinical professionals and peers.

Residential addiction treatment can benefit those suffering from addiction that may not be available through other treatment plans. The in-depth care allows patients to dive into the personally-tailored program designed for them, which other less intensive programs cannot provide. This is perfect for individuals who have started the healing journey but have yet to leap fully into changing their relationship with their addiction.

5 Benefits of Residential Addiction Treatment

The benefits of residential addiction treatment include the following.

1. 24/7 Monitoring and Support

Residential addiction treatment provides individuals with constant access to experienced clinicians and therapeutic staff who can assist them with physical, mental, and emotional issues related to their addiction. This level of support allows for more in-depth, individualized care than what could be achieved through outpatient treatments.

2. Comprehensive Assessment and Therapy

Residential addiction treatment offers an initial comprehensive assessment which includes an individual’s medical history, past substance use patterns, and present psychological condition to develop an effective recovery plan. Detailed therapy sessions are then implemented within this plan, providing the individual with an opportunity for deep healing that can be difficult to achieve through outpatient programs alone.

3. Peer Support and Accountability

Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who are also fully committed to recovery allows participants to network, develop strong relationships, and create a sense of community within the facility. This sense of community may give participants higher levels of motivation and accountability as they look to each other for strength during their journey toward sobriety.

4. Increased Safety and Security

Residential addiction treatment centers often provide increased safety measures, such as on-site security guards or clinicians trained to recognize signs of relapse or suicidal behavior. These measures can help minimize the risk that comes with relapse when compared to traditional outpatient settings where there is no one on hand 24/7 should a crisis occur.

5. More Structured Environment

A residential setting helps ensure that individuals follow through with their commitments by providing them with daily structure. This includes scheduled meals, therapies, and group activities. This level of structure is usually absent from outpatient settings where it is easy to fall back into old habits if left unmonitored for extended periods.

Find Residential Addiction Treatment in Colorado at CeDAR

Residential addiction treatment provides many benefits for recovering from substance abuse issues. If you or a loved one is struggling and has yet to fully commit to improving your life, a residential program could be the push you need to make lasting positive changes for yourself, your family, and your friends. To learn more about what to expect from our residential treatment programs, contact CeDAR today at [Direct].